GE productions offer a complete solution in fish thawing, based on a new method that separates the frozen block before thawing. The separated fish is fed throught a new thawing system that increases the quality and shortens the thawing time.
The solution is well suited to both pelagic and demersal fish species.
The solution is available as separate components or as a complete thawing solution. The complete solution is composed of the following components:
The thawing process is controlled via a touch-screen which offers different thawing programs depending on the size and type of fish, where thawing time and temparature control are the main factors. Separating 5,000 kg of block, or four pallets, in the ITS separator takes about 50 minutes, assuming that packaging is removed by a team of two workers. Once the fish has been separated in the ITS separator it takes only 1.5 -2 hours to thaw 5,000 kg. of demersal fish for further processing.
Pelargic fish thaws significantly faster.
The ITS separator can also be bought separately, including the feeder belt, and will make a perfect addition to all types of thawing equipment.